19530-19570 Amber Meadow Drive
Bend, Oregon 97702
(541) 382-4112


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Calling all Members – Join us for a neighborhood meeting!

Janet will be hosting a Neighborhood meeting on Thursday, October 19th at 7pm.   Come meet your neighbors, hear about our accomplishments in 2017, plans for 2018, voice any ideas to better our community, learn how DRWNA can impact County decisions and we’ll discuss what direction this association would like to take in the future. We are also in search of 2 or more new volunteer board members, as we currently have 2 vacant spots, if you are interesting in joining us, please let us know!

Who:       All members of the DRWNA
What:      DRWNA Member Meeting
Where:    Janet’s home at 19202 Choctaw Rd.
When:     Thursday, October 19th @ 7pm

We would like to quickly reiterate that we are not an HOA,
we are simply a group of members that value community and
care about the safety, beauty and overall well being of our neighborhood.

If you haven’t already, please join the DRWNA and our Facebook Group Deschutes River Woods Neighborhood Association (DRWNA).

We cannot keep the DRWNA alive without our members. Thank you for supporting DRW.

DRWNA Board of Directors
Christine, Angie and Janet

DRWNA Adopt a Road Clean Up Day!

It’s that time of the year again! Come help us clean up Baker Rd. & Riverwoods Dr. on Saturday, Nov. 4th at 9am, meet behind Riverwoods Store… Hope to see you there!

Half Price Yard Debris Recycling

Please consider recycling your pine needles at Knott Landfill
for the sake of our air quality!

Knott Landfill

October 30th – November 10th (closed November 5th)

Residents can recycle their yard debris at Deschutes Recycling for half price – only $2.00 per cubic yard. The yard debris will be recycled into compost.

FireFree encourages residents to complete their fall clean up and maintenance of defensible space by bringing branches, shrubs, grass clippings, plant prunings, pine cones, weeds and pine needles to Deschutes Recycling during their event.

Stumps must be smaller than 12″ in diameter or they will not be accepted. Branches no larger than 2″ in diameter and 36″ in length. Rocks, lumber, metal, trash or plastics of any kind are not accepted.

Visit www.firefree.org for a guide to fire resistant landscaping.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Since our founding in 1987, DRWNA (formerly Deschutes River Woods Homeowners Assn.) has worked to fulfill our purpose – To protect and enhance the values and character of the subdivision through a united volunteer effort.

Our Mission—To act on behalf of our members and the residents of DRW through direct involvement with our elected officials and government agencies on issues that affect or provide benefits for DRW.

We are a 501 [c] 4 Nonprofit Member Supported Public Benefit Corporation.


and help make us a thriving community!!
It’s $15 a year for household &
$35 for a business membership.

Already a member, remember to renew your membership!
Your association needs your support,
only $15 per year goes a long ways to a better neighborhood.

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Deschutes River Woods Neighborhood Association · P.O. Box 9431 · Bend, OR 97708 · USA

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