Pinebrook Blvd. east of US 97 closed Saturday for striping (11/7/15)
Oregon Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 11/06/2015 01:20 PM PST
Pinebrook Boulevard between 3rd Street and US 97 (Bend Parkway) will be closed on Saturday, November 7 for striping. Badger Road, which has been closed during the day, will be open on Saturday.
On US 97, there will be lane restrictions at Pinebrook Boulevard to install crosswalk markings.
Finally, there will be striping work at the intersection of Pinebrook Boulevard and Brookswood Boulevard.
All work is dependent on weather.
Rex Holloway, ODOT Community Liaison rex.a.holloway@odot.state.or.
Traffic signals at US 97 and Pinebrook Blvd. to be permanently turned off Tuesday morning, November 3
Oregon Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 11/02/2015 11:07 AM PST
The traffic signals at the intersection of U.S. 97 (Bend Parkway) and Pinebrook Boulevard will be permanently shut off early Tuesday morning, November 3. This is one of the last steps in this phase of the Murphy Road project. Shutting off the signals will allow construction of a raised median in the middle of U.S. 97 at Pinebrook Boulevard. Once the signals are shut down, only right in and right out turns at U.S. 97 and Pinebrook Boulevard will be allowed.
The construction of the median barrier will also require closing Pinebrook Boulevard on the west side of the U.S. 97 for up to two weeks. Residents in the Pinebrook Boulevard area will need to access their homes from Brookswood Boulevard.
Travelers wanting to go between 3rd Street and Brookswood Boulevard should use the new Murphy Road extension and overcrossing.
Rex Holloway, Community Liaison, ODOT rex.a.holloway@odot.state.or.us 541-388-6178
Paving at intersection of Brookswood Blvd. and Pinebrook Blvd. planned Monday, paving on Larkwood on Tuesday
Oregon Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 10/23/2015 01:29 PM PDT
Paving at the intersection of Brookswood Blvd. and Pinebrook Blvd. is planned for Monday, October 26. Northbound traffic on Brookswood Blvd. will be detoured to 3rd Street via Murphy Road during paving operations. Southbound traffic on Brookswood Blvd. will not be affected. Once the paving is completed, the Brookswood/Pinebrook intersection will reopen.
On Tuesday, October 27, Larkwood Drive will be limited to one lane in order to pave driveway approaches just north of Brookswood Blvd. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers.
All work is dependent on weather.
Rex Holloway, ODOT Community Liaison rex.a.holloway@odot.state.or.us
Brookswood Blvd. Northbound Closed Intermittently Over the Next Week
Oregon Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 10/21/2015 10:09 AM PDT
Brookswood Blvd. northbound will be closed intermittently for short periods of time as work at the intersection with Pinebrook Blvd. continues. Pinebrook Blvd. remains closed to through traffic. When the northbound lane is closed, use Murphy Road to 3rd Street, north on 3rd Street to Powers Road and then a left to return to Brookswood Blvd.
Rex Holloway, Community Liaison, ODOT rex.a.holloway@odot.state.or.us
- Murphy Road Opens and Brookswood Blvd. and Pinebrook Blvd. Close Beginning Monday, October 12, 2015:
- Link to Project Background Video from ODOT (10/12/15): Murphy Overpass Project Backgrounder
From ODOT (10/9/15):
“BEND – As Murphy Road opens, the intersection of Brookswood Boulevard and Pinebrook Boulevard will be closed beginning Monday, October 12, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. for 10-14 days due to construction activities. Traffic changes include:
• The new Murphy Road extension between 3rd Street and Brookswood Blvd. opens Monday, October 12 at 10:30 a.m.
• Northbound Brookswood Blvd. will close at the new roundabout. Motorists will be detoured (see detour map below) east to 3rd Street via the new Murphy Road extension.
• Pinebrook Blvd. will be closed at Brookswood Blvd. to thru traffic. Residents along Pinebrook Blvd. will access their homes from the Bend Parkway (U.S. 97).
• Southbound Brookswood Blvd. will not be affected except there will be no access to Pinebrook Blvd.
The final step for this phase of the Murphy Road project will be to install a center median barrier on U.S. 97 at Pinebrook Blvd., and remove the traffic signals. In the future only right in and right out movements at U.S. 97 and Pinebrook Blvd. will be allowed. All work for this phase of the project is expected to be completed by mid-December 2015.
The $27.7 million project has been funded through the 2009 Jobs and Transportation Act, which included a 6 cent per gallon gas tax increase. To learn more about the project, visit: www.us97andmurphyroad.com
Rex Holloway, Community Liaison, ODOT rex.a.holloway@odot.state.or.
- Temporary Road Closure Due to Striping Work – Brookswood/Murphy Roundabout 10/4/15 & 10/5/15:
From the City of Bend (9/30/15):
“The roundabout at Brookswood Boulevard and the new Murphy Road will be closed Sunday night October 4 and Monday night October 5. Crews will begin striping work at the intersection at 7 p.m. both nights and the roundabout will reopen by 7 a.m. the following morning. The same detour used for the earlier construction closure of the roundabout will be in place.
For more information contact Ryan Oster, Principal Engineer, at roster@bendoregon.gov or 541- 693-2134. You can also visit bendoregon.gov/murphy for project information.”
- 3-Way Stop to Remain at Brookswood/Baker Intersection
From Deschutes County (9/23/15):
During recent construction of the Brookswood Boulevard/Murphy Road Roundabout Project, the nearby intersection of Brookswood Boulevard/Baker Road was converted to an interim 3-way stop to accommodate construction detour traffic.
The Road Department has evaluated operations upon normalization of traffic volumes at the conclusion of the project and determined that the 3-way stop will remain in place.
The Road Department utilized criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD, to evaluate whether or not a 3-Way Stop is the appropriate traffic control for the intersection. The MUTCD criterion considers traffic volumes, distribution of traffic on the intersection approaches, as well as vehicle approach speeds.
Deschutes County requests that drivers exercise caution in navigating the intersection as motorists continue to adjust to the change in traffic control.
For more information, please contact the Deschutes County Road Department at 541-388-6581 (road@deschutes.org) or Chris Doty, Deschutes County Road Department Director, 541-322-7105, chris.doty@deschutes.org.”
- Colorado Ave. Bridge Closure & Construction 10/5/15-11/17/15:
The closing of the Colorado Bridge may not hit as close to home as the Brookswood Roundabout did, however it may affect the way you get around town. Visit the Bend Parks & Recreation website for updates by clicking the link below. The detour map is on the right side of this page. Safe travels!
LINK —-> Colorado Ave. Bridge Closure Information & Detour Map
Brookswood Plaza “Stay in the Neighborhood” Event News: CLICK HERE
- Roundabout scheduled to open on: Friday, September 4th 2015!
- Neighborhood Appreciation & Ice Cream Social on: Thursday, September 3rd 2015!!
The Brookswood roundabout is opening on Friday, Sept. 4!
The Oregon Department of Transportation and the City of Bend are hosting a Neighborhood Appreciation Party and Ice Cream Social from 4:45 to 5:15 p.m., on Thursday Sept., 3, just outside of Lovejoy’s final summer Beer Garden. Free ice cream as long as supplies last.
Oregon Department of Transportation and the City of Bend appreciate the patience of the neighborhood during this construction project and want to join in celebrating the end of the construction season.
Look for the City of Bend table where you can visit with ODOT and City staff, learn more about the upcoming Murphy extension project and pick up some free prizes.
Anne Aurand | Community Relations Manager |
- August 31st, 2015 – Roundabout Update Video from ODOT “Closer to Completion” – Click HERE
- August 10th, 2015 – Roundabout Update Video from ODOT “Paving and Pouring” – Click HERE
- July 30th, 2015 – Roundabout Update Video from the City of Bend “Nearing Completion” – Click HERE
- July 17th, 2015 – Roundabout Update Video from ODOT “Rockin’ and Rollin'” – Click HERE
June 23, 2015 – Work is underway constructing storm sewer pipes under Brookswood. It’s being done in sections to assure an evacuation route during construction if needed. Most underground utility work is done. Curb and sidewalk work will begin in early July, followed by concrete sections being laid. Work is on target and being completed as quickly and safely as possible by crews.
Sign Up for Text Updates on Cascades East Transit Brookswood Route 2 – 5/11/15:
Brookswood Closure Detour Map Cascades East Transit Route 2 Route Modification